I have always been a lover of Paris. I think it’s
one of the most beautiful cities in the world with something for everyone.
Museums, architecture, history, shopping, food. Did I mention food? What about
pastry? Did I mention pastry? Wine! I forgot wine.
I have never found the stereotype that Parisians
are snooty or unfriendly to be true. While sadly I have only visited a few
times it has been my, and my families, experience that politeness is always met
with politeness and on most occasions warmth. Trust me, its not due to my
French speaking skills which range from non-existent to, on a good day, poor.
The events in Paris, the killing of the
journalists and those in the kosher supermarket are obviously horrendous. But
what has greatly saddened me has been reading the many articles on the Jewish
communities reaction. I am not in
Paris and do not have family there so my reactions are based solely on my
reading and my limited personal interactions.
major themes seem to emerge from my reading, both of which are disturbing. One
is the large migration of French Jews moving to Israel. The Jewish Agency in
France is anticipating a dramatic rise in Aliyah. In 2014
there were nearly 7000 olim from France, more than double that from 2013 and
triple from 2012. In 2015 they expect that number to rise to 10-15 thousand.
believe having a variety of cultures and religions strengthens a country.
Imagine American society and history without the cultural influence of its
Italian, Irish, Chinese, and Hispanic populations. (At a minimum imagine how
lousy the restaurants would be!) A France without a Jewish population would be
a lesser France. Another consideration is the effect of this huge population on
the state of Israel. One can only imagine that absorbing such a large influx of
immigrants, who will need jobs, housing and language training could present a
strain on the country.
second theme focuses on the reactions of the French government to the killings.
The French government has issued statements in support of the Jewish community,
and deployed almost 5000 troops to guard Jewish schools. However, many feel there
was a stark difference between the way the country rallied in condemnation to
the attack on the journalists vs the lesser response to the murder of the Jews
in the supermarket.
fact that there was a lesser response cannot be denied. The fact that this is
upsetting to Jews is understandable. But is it really an example of
anti-Semitism? Imagine that on the same day in New York City there were two
terrorist attacks, one at a major metropolitan newspaper, and the other at a
prominent Jewish deli. Yes, all life in sacred and no life should be more
valuable than another. But would it surprise anyone that the newspaper attack
would garner more local, national and international attention?
my last visit to Paris my family had the opportunity to spend several hours
wandering with a twenty-something Jewish woman. Her grandparents had come to
Paris to escape the Russian revolution and two generations later they were a
large, wealthy and educated family all still living and working in Paris. Of
course, we asked her about anti-Semitism in France. Her response was that the
French were not ant-Semitic but simply opposed to
public demonstrations or discussions of religion. She said that she wouldn’t
wear a Jewish star in public but neither would her Christian friends ever wear
a cross. This was her opinion, of course, but seems supported by fact. In 2010 the wearing of any kind of face coverage, including a hajib,
headscarf or burka was outlawed in France. In 2004 the wearing off all
conspicuous religious symbols in public schools was banned. While as Americans
we may not care for these laws but I do not believe it makes French society
anti-Semitic anymore than it makes it anti-Muslim.
hatred of all kind is intolerable and we should speak out against it both
abroad and at home. But we need to be careful not to see only ourselves as the victims.