
Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I've had this post in my head for a bit but it was the email from a friend that gave me the courage to write! You know who you are...
I have come to the conclusion that I am obviously the only person in the universe who hated Avatar. Yes, it was visually amazing but that could not sustain me through what seemed to me to be a mish mosh of a 100 other movie plots. Did whoever wrote this 'plot' really think we had never seen a movie before this one? The handsome white boy meets and falls in love with the beautiful native girl and dedicates his life to her? dances with wolves. The whole plot about how a dragon can only bond with one rider for his life; word for word out of Ergon. The crazed military guy? I was waiting for him to start yelling, "I love the smell of napalm in the morning". The brave scientist battling the uncaring corporate idiots? Way too many movies to even name.
At one point, I turned to my H and said, this is the dumbest movie I have ever seen. Not a good idea. I felt like a Cowboys fan at an Eagles game.
Not that I wasn't moved at all. I sat in a theater with the most mixed crowd I have ever seen. Blacks, whites, grandparents, young kids and teenagers all siting in complete silence for two and half hours. I never even saw anyone checking their cell phone! I was impressed with the phenomenon, the movie a lot less so. Too bad I'm all alone out here...

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Monday, January 4, 2010

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As of now, I have new posts emailed to people. However, it would be great if instead anyone interested in reading my blog could sign on as a follower. It's pretty easy. Just click on the Follow link on the top of the page and fill out the info. (On my computer it's a blue banner) If for some reason that isn't there scroll down on d there is another follow link on the left side. Thanks!

full house,empty house

I try not to miss my kids when they are away. My D was in Italy for 4 months and I did a good job of not being sad. Of course that may be due in large part to the fact that she called every day and talked at great length. Despite the fact that my H did a great job researching the cheapest way to talk we still managed to rack up quite a nice bill. In response to his complaints I say, show me a Mom who would even think of telling her daughter don't call so much and when you do, be sure you don't talk too long. Not likely.
So my D arrived home safe and sound, beating out the snow storm by just under 24 hours; clever girl. And joyously, my house is filled with kids! Kids eating and talking at the kitchen table,cooking breakfasts and dinners, laying on sofas or piled up in her bed watching TV and playing on laptops. I guess for some people it might have been annoying but for me it was just awesome.I love these kids and adore having them around. I wish they would all just move in.
Secret revealed: while most girls loved Little Women my favorite was always the sequel Little Men. In that book Jo and her prof move into a giant house which they fill with wayward boys who they educate and care for.
The problem; around new years they all packed up , mine included, and left, leaving the house quiet and empty for the last 4 days. It's been super depressing. And I know that while I might grab a few more days of them it's pretty much over until ,maybe, spring break. I guess I will adjust again but I really wish I didn't have to!